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ЗарегистрироватьсяWas online less than a week ago
Male, 39 years, born on 1 March 1986
Considers offers
Semey, willing to relocate, prepared for business trips
Well Intervention Supervisor/engineer/Wireline Field Engineer, Operations Manager, BDM, Sales
4 000 $ in hand
- Geologist
- Other
- Laboratory technician
- Science specialist, researcher
- Shift supervisor, area supervisor
Employment: full time
Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work
Work experience 18 years 6 months
August 2023 — currently
1 year 8 months
Educational Institutions... Show more
Business Development Manager
Support operations and sales activity across Kazakhstan region.
August 2021 — July 2023
2 years
Well Operations Supervisor
Supervising Slickline, wireline, well testing and coiled tubing activity.
December 2013 — April 2021
7 years 5 months
Лукойл Оверсиз Холдинг Лтд
Oil and Gas... Show more
Well Logging Supervisor, Well operations Supervisor
Successfully planning and managing logging operations over 8 drilling rigs and 6 workover rigs. Supervision of Wireline open hole and cased hole logging, PLT Rigless operations, Mud logging, Slickline and Coiled tubing operations, Well testing and DST, MWD/LWD, perforations conveyed with E-line/TCP, performing well data quality control and validation at the wellsite, logging program preparation.
May 2012 — November 2013
1 year 7 months
Baker Hughes
Business Services... Show more
General Field Engineer (GFE)
Field crew supervision, cased hole wireline logging, open hole wireline logging, re-completions and pipe recovery, cement bond evaluations, production logging, casing inspection, perforation.
August 2009 — May 2012
2 years 10 months
Oil and Gas... Show more
Senior Field Engineer
Field crew supervision, cased hole wireline logging, production logging, memory production logging with slickline and coil-tubing, pipe recovery, downhole casing inspection, downhole video camera, Radial Cutting Torch (RCT), SPS and PDS Bottom hole sampling. Working with extremely downhole well conditions (High Pressure, High Temperature, H2S, Deep and deviated well).
July 2006 — July 2009
3 years 1 month
Kazakhstan, www.slb.com/
Oil and Gas... Show more
Field Specialist
Wireline open hole and cased hole well logging: Sonic logging(DSLT, Dipole Sonic Imager, Sonic Scanner), Cement Bond logging (SCMT), Ultrasonic logging for cement bond and casing inspection(USIT, UBI), GR logging and correlation (PBMS, PGGT, UPCT), Pulse Neutron Logging (RST), Density and Resistivity Logging (PEX-HRLA), Array Induction logging (AIT), Production Logging (PLT, FSI ), Multifinger caliper (PMIT – Sondex), Arming charges(HSD, EnerJet, Puncher), Perforation initiation (Conventional, SAFE, SECURE), Pipe Recovery System (Chemical Cutter, Power Cutter, Jet Cutter, SweTech), Drill pipe free point indication(FPIT), Back-off, Packers and Plugs (BST,CPST, MPBT), Formation Testing and Sampling (XPT, Dual Packer MDT). Pressure Control Equipment ELMAR 5K, 10K. Also participation in the TLC Logging.
Skill proficiency levels
About me
Геофизические исследования, каротаж, Перфорация, Взрывные работы, геологические исследования, Wireline, Wireline logging, Slickline, Logging, PLT, MPLT, DHV, RCT, Sondex, OP, Maxwell, Eclips, Warrior, Memlog, PL win.
Higher education (bachelor)
ВКГТУ им.Серикбаева
Геофизические поиски и разведка МПИ, Высшее-бакалавр
Семипалатинский Геологоразведочный Колледж
Геофизик-каротажник, Средне-специальное
Professional development, courses
Dubai, UAE
Baker Hughes, BOSS,ELS-1,2
Exprogroup, OPITO Certificate
Aberdeen (UK)
Exprogroup, DHV
Abu-Dabi Training center (UAE)
Schlumberger, X-pert 2B
KLC Training Center (Oklakhoma, USA)
Schlumberger, X-pert 2A
Airdrie Learning Center (Canada, Calgary)
Schlumberger, X-pert 1B
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Kazakhstan
Permission to work: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Russia
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter